Learning How to Meditate

If you are wanting to learn to meditate, then you have come to the right place. While you can probably find an abundance of different ways to meditate, here is one simple way that doesn't cost a penny, is easy to do, and can be done by anyone. It is quite effective for not only relieving stress on a regular basis, but can also be a base for healing a number of different ailments. So if you need to relieve stress and anxiety, or want a good start to fix what ails you, then listen up.

The first step is finding a nice, quiet area. This can be in a bedroom, a corner of your home or office, whatever. Now it is a good idea to have absolutely no distractions for at least twenty to thirty minutes, ten to do your deep breathing exercises, and twenty for the actual meditation. In order to get into the proper mood, you need a comfortable chair, and the lights turned down low. You can light some candles to get this mood going. You don't want to be so comfortable that you will fall asleep, just deeply relaxed. You can also play some music, but soft music is preferred, or even a CD with nature sounds, like waves crashing, or a babbling brook, something soft.

Sit in your chair in a comfortable position, feet flat on the floor. Close your eyes, and breath slowly and deeply through your nose, holding it in for a few seconds once your lungs are full, then breathe out slowly through your mouth. Do this for five minutes, not really thinking about anything, letting go of the tension. There are two reasons for this. One is that breathing like this fills your body with oxygen. The second is that it forces you to pause.

If you find that you open your eyes once in awhile, don't worry about it, and don't force yourself to keep your eyes closed. Open them, look around check the clock, then close your eyes again. Now, with your eyes closed, picture yourself in front of a quiet pond that has a bunch of stones or pebbles. These are the thoughts and stresses in your life. These can also represent illnesses, cancers, or what ever your problem at the time might be. One by one, remove these stones and place them aside. It is a good idea to limit the amount of stones to ten or fifteen of the most important things that you want to get rid of, so you aren't spending the whole time taking out stones. This should be about ten minutes.

Now here is where you can really customize your meditative experience. For just regular meditation, you want to put stones back into the pond that associate with things that represent relaxation or good aspects of your life. Maybe you could fill it with things that you dream about wanting, that nice house, your ideal partner, etc. For healing, this is when you focus on the part of your body that is ill, or needs help healing, like a broken bone mending, getting stronger, or antibodies killing that cancer. Do this for another ten minutes. The last five minutes, use your deep breathing exercises again, and slowly bring yourself back to reality. Now don't expect a miracle, but if you do this on a regular basis, it will work.

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