Search results for music

Music with exercise boosts brain power
COLUMBUS, Ohio It's no secret that exercise improves mood, but new research suggests that working out to music may give exercisers a cognitive boost. Listening to music while exercising helped...

7 tips for effective music practice
the muscles develop a sense of continuum throughout the piece of music, the last motion in a cell should be the first motion of the following cell. Practice each cell in bursts Once the muscles have...

Musical terminology: A glossary of music terms
at first sight of the sheet music arietta – a short aria arioso – airy, or like an air (a melody); i.e., in the manner of an aria; melodious arpeggio – like a harp; i.e., the notes of the chords...

How music relax you during study?
Science has found that music is quite good for health. Blasting those beats, and cranking the favorite tunes calm our mind and sooth our ears because "music is good for you"! During my study...

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How and Why Is Music A Good Tool For Health?
Research has shown that music has a profound effect on your body and psyche. In fact, there’s a growing field of health care known as Music Therapy, which uses music to heal. Those who practice music...

How music effects your buying habits
If you think music doesn’t affect you, you’ll be changing your tune after reading this. This is a true story of a recent study from Leicester University in England. You’re off to the supermarket...