So, Does Walking on the Treadmill Have the Same Benefits As Walking Outside?

Does Walking On The Treadmill Have The Same Benefits As Walking Outside, Yes or No? A big question that a lot of people have is if it's better to walk on a treadmill or to go outside and take a brisk walk. The answer is that, although the workouts are similar, they still will have a few basic differences.

One of the biggest differences is the amount of calories that are being burned between a treadmill and regular walk. If you are using a simple motorized treadmill with no incline, then the answer is that you will actually burn fewer calories per mile due to no wind resistance. However, you will be able to overcome this by adding a 1% incline to your workout.

Also if you hold the handrails, it will help you to burn calories but also wreck your overall walking posture. It is better to train yourself to walk at a speed that you are able to stick to without having to hold on to the rails. Even if it means starting slower than you may have wanted.

Walking outdoors has one a great advantage over walking on a treadmill. It will challenge your balance as well as stability with all the obstacles that you will find yourself encountering along the way. It will also give you an advantage because of the distance you can walk for your overall health. These are just some of the things that you will face when you are walking outdoors verses walking on a treadmill.

First of all, the land is never level and you will find yourself encountering a variety of different sloped sidewalks and road sides. This is a great challenge to help your muscles to balance. You will also need to avoid people, puddles, and small animals. So therefore you will need to move side to side as well as forward.

You will also be going up and down curbs, steps, ravines, and other forms of uneven ground. This will give those climbing muscles a great workout. It will also help get that blood pumping. It is a great way for you to burn calories as well as lower your cholesterol. So basically you are giving yourself a great workout, helping yourself physically and mentally as well.

Finally, you will have to learn to get your muscles to stop at all obstacles and then start up again without any hesitation. On a treadmill you will not be faced with this problem. All you have to do is incline the belt and you will be well on your way.

So yes, walking on a treadmill does offer you some of the same benefits as a regular walking routine. However, you need to be sure that you understand that there are also a few differences as well. You should really take the time to study all these differences and then decide which workout would be better for you and your overall weight loss goals and health. Go ahead and give it a try for your own workout routine.

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