Tubular bell

Tubular bells (also known as chimes) are musical instruments in the percussion family. Each bell is a metal, typically brass, tube, one and a quarter to one and a half inches in diameter, tuned by altering its length. Tubular bells are typically found in chromatic sets of one and a half octaves witha range from C5 to F6. Two-octave sets that extend to F4 do exist, but they are extremely heavy and not commonly used.

Tubular bells are typically struck with a rawhide- or plastic-headed hammer. They are commonly used to mimic the sound of heavy and impractical church bells in programmatic classical music pieces such as Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique and Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture. Mike Oldfield used tubular bells to similar effect in his 1973 debut album, Tubular Bells.

Another type of chime is the wind chime or aeolian chime, which is a set of chimes hung outdoors so that the bells strike one another when blown by the wind.

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